In the morning, I'll be flying out to Hawaii with deejay essence and Json for a stretch of concerts and speaking engagements. We'll be there from April 16-26 (and returning to Southern California for the week of April 27th)We have concerts/ events on the Big Island on April 17, Maui from April 22-24 and Honolulu on April 25-26. I look forward to connecting with the Lampmates in Hawaii again. Shoots!
grace and peace,
Cali again this winter (Oct.-Feb)? Love to see it happen.
The sacrifices you are willing to make for the sake of the kingdom know NO BOUNDS. You and Json and Esso being willing to move out and testify about the greatest story ever told in such a distant land is deeply moving to me. Seriously, I know that's a lot of time away from the family and the body, and that's never easy. I appreciate you all and will be lifting you up (w/ my students in D.C.) over the next week.
"No ka mea, ua paa ko'u aole e hoike i kekabi mea e ae iwaena o oukou, ia Iesu Kristo wale no, a me kona make ana ma ka kea."--1 Corinthians 2:2 in Hawaiian
--Mike (from the Mid to the East)
What are your plans when you get back to SoCal? Let me know!
In Christ,
Jon Buck
shai hit me up when you get back. I free'd up Tuesday 2/28.
(my numbers in your email)
jbuck21, the tour schedule is posted on lampmodes website. www.lampmode.com
Great show in Pomona..God was truly glorified. I love it when you did Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin.....AWESOME! Hope it will be in the next cd. Prayer request for Jon Buck....his in Russia training Russian pastors in Arkhangelsk.
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