My new album, The Attributes of God, has just been released. You can get it at the following places:
Order CD Online
I pray that it's a blessing to you and that it encourages you towards a high view of our great God. All lyrics will be posted on this site. Feel free to leave comments/ questions here.
grace and peace,
Shai this album is sick!! your doing your thing while reppin the King.
Bought the album today!! I love it!! It's amazing how it renews your mind!!! Thank you for using your God given talents!!
I have been waiting for this so LONG. You are the reason I love Christian Hip Hop, and not a week goes buy I don't listen to the Atonement.
Bought AOG last night and listening to it the second time and I absolutely love it.
Thank you for blessing us with such an amazing album, your hard work really glorifies God and blesses the Saints.
God bless you Brother.
Soli Deo Gloria
WOW, what a blessing! The album does an amazing job of exalting the Lord. I needed this today! I'll check back for the lyrics.
Picked it up on Amazon.
My first Shai Linne album.
Absolutely phenomenal!!!!!
I'm listening to the new album and I'm really loving some of the songs. It sounds like there's a quote from Sinclair Ferguson on the burning bush in "Self-Sufficiency." Is that right? If so, do you know the name of the sermon?
Thank you for your heart, Shai. God bless you, brother.
Thanks dude, I love theology and music and you my friend caused a lot of tears (of joy and amazement of God)when I hear the Gospel proclaimed in your lyrics.
I had pretty much given up of Christian music except for Indelible Grace - through which I found your music. You and your wife really do have a special gift there is a bunch of us here in New Zealand that really appreciate what you are doing. Nice to hear Tim Brindle again as well.
Soli Deo Gloria brother
Oh who is the British preacher in Self-Sufficiency?
Brother Shai, to God be the glory! Thank you for using your God given talents as a beacon in a world filled with darkness. A world continuing to deny the existence of Almighty God. This album has far exceeded my expectations. I am humbled as I consider God's attributes. I felt a feeling of insignificance, not referring to self esteem, but rather the worth I place on the things I hold on to, I have worked for, and deem important to me. It's a reminder to me that in this walk with God, I gain everything in Jesus Christ! Much love! One day it will be an honor to meet you! God bless your ministry!
I'm really really enjoying this new album shai... teaching me a lot... thanks for putting in the time and effort to produce this album...
Track 9 (Perfect Love) sounds exactly like 'Globus - Orchid of Mines'
twas quite funny haha
In Christ from Downunder
I got it Monday and haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
brother, this album is phenomenal. I am so encouraged at how well this was put together - with endless prayer I'm sure. the production is amazing too! great job. Soli Deo Gloria
cant wait to hear it bro
The whole album is a blessing bro!! Stay Not Of This World & always on Keep your mind on things of above!! Saw y'all at HTown for the man up concert, my prayers go out to you & your wife. God is Good!!
Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit work through you to inspire and encourage people like us to draw near to God!! I have always been amazed by your selflessness in your music in pushing the glory away from yourself and directing it towards God (rightly so)! The spiritual messages and production in The Attributes of God are excellent!! The project as a whole is one of my favorite CHH albums to date so far. The Jealous One is especially powerful individually!
I love it. Really, really appreciate the amount of WORDS you can use in rap. I love poetry and abstract and art that leaves you to fill in the blanks, but there is something about just coming out and stating things as they are, as Truth has been revealed in Scripture. That is what this album does and I thank you for reminding me of my sure foundation!
Thank you all for your comments. To those who asked, the preacher at the beginning of "Self-Sufficiency" is Sinclair Ferguson. It's from a sermon he preached at a Ligonier National Conference (I believe 2006) on The Simplicity of God. Tim and I went to that conference together and that message blew us away. We're glad to have a chance to expose Sinclair Ferguson's ministry to people who may not be familiar with him.
grace and peace,
Thanx Shai! Album is a mad blessing, and grateful you posted the lyrics. Any chance you might also post the production credits for us digital purchasers who care for such things (and good promo for the producers, vocalists, engineers etc)?
Keep keepin it strictly FoDaLo!!
Much Luv, Grace n Peace
Awesome! I just bought the entire album on Amazon and told all my friends on Facebook. I hope everyone hears it!
JUst bought your album. I think it is doing as you intended. One of the only things i'm listening to at moment. This the first christian based album I've ever purchased and I've be a follower for 12 years! Peace, joy and glory to King Jesus. Bless you homie!
Your work has been blessing me for a couple of years, and I'm enjoying your new album tremendously. Thank you and God Bless.
I love it Shai!! Because of the lack of substance in CCM, I've listened to reformed rap basically exclusively for the past couple of years. Of all of the awesome cats out there, I think you are one who puts the most theology in a song. I've learned so much from your music! THANKS!
I downloaded you entire album from Amazon and this 50-something year old mom of five is absolutely loving it!
Your lyrics are so God glorifying which is why I love it as much of Christian music has strayed from that. Thank God for the lyrical musicians like yourself Shai!
Do you have the lyrics in written form some where on the net? I have the album, but I am not good at keeping up. So I would like to read them also. Thanks.
I am trying to study the attributes of God with your album. If there is any other good resources to help me do that, please let me know. Thanks. Good job on the album.
I also had a contest for the digital version of the album with my facebook page for my show: Truth Be Told Radio. :)
The Attributes of God has been a tremendous blessing to my life. It points my gaze higher and causes me to see our great God more like He really is. Every song captures a small picture of the awesomeness of God and makes me long for the day of Christ's return.
Soli Deo Gloria!!
Grace and Peace
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