It's been a while since my last post. Thanks to all who have encouraged me to continue with the blog. My computer issues have been resolved, so I hope to get back to blogging regularly. I want to let you know about an interview I did with Family Life Today that aired recently for a new podcast that they have. The podcast is called Ear Reverent and is hosted by Bob Lepine, the co-host of Family Life Today. Having listened to their show on Christian radio since I got saved, I never would have imagined that I would be on it! I had an opportunity to share concerning the history of Hip-hop culture, my personal testimony and lyrical theology. I think this may be good to play for people who are either skeptical about Christ-centered hip-hop or unfamiliar with the genre. You can find a link to download the interview here. Feel free to leave comments about the interview.
grace and peace,
Great interview! Very educational for someone like me who didn't grow up listening to hip-hop or rap. Really excited about what you're doing. Keep the good theology coming. :)
solid. thanks for representing well.
Did you come to Little Rock for the interview? If not please come sometime 7 big fans in my family.
Nice! I'm gonna have to share that with some brothers-in-Christ who have been skeptical of a Christ-centric hip-hop.
Such a great interview. I'm here in Little Rock and Bob is actually a good friend of mine (besides his love for the Spurs) so I had been waiting for this to be released. Such a great testimony of God's grace. I also loved the way you said we should not reject something b\c of how it's packaged but we also should not except everything b\c of how it's packaged. Great thought.
Thanks for your continued teaching through your music. Bob's son, John, just did Jesus is Alive at our youth retreat this past weekend.
Grace upon grace,
Really good interview. I like that the LORD is exposing the breadth of His reign to His people. I appreciate God's grace and gifts in and thru you, bro!
Bless the LORD!
You spoke truth all up in my podcast...seriously, listened to you on FLT and was further educated about HHH and blessed by your testimony. You proved to be quite the Berean. More than that, I love that the guy on the radio is the same as the one in the pulpit and the guy I met at CCC. You are a blessing. [Mike from the 'Lou]
God blessed you with a truck-load of talent to be used for His glory! Keep up the God work!
Any plans on being in the Okland/SF area??
Excellent interview! We were introduced to you a few months ago and love the lyrics you have written.
Have a blessed Resurrection Day!
Sarah for the Pueblas
P.S. Did you get my email on your gmail acct?
Thank you all for the feedback.
No, I didn't come to Little Rock. It was an interview by phone. Funny enough, I was in L.A. riding in my friend's car during the interview. There was a lot going on around me. At one point, I think you can here the car door opening lol. 7 fans? That's quite a family there! I'll be sure to let you know if I'm ever in the Little Rock area.
Christopher: No plans for the Bay Area as of right now. I will be in the L.A. Area for a few dates in April.
I replied to your email.
Mike (from the Lou)
It's always an encouragement to hear from you. I'll be responding to your email soon.
grace and peace,
shai i thank God for you.. your albums are such a blessing and so deep.. i've only listened to atonement and storiez but the way you make the entire album like a movie is pure genius what a gift the lord has given you and how amazing it is to see you using it all for his glory.. no doubt in my mind those two albums are two of the best hip hop albums ever made.. my goal is to try and tell the world about them in doing so tell the world about Christ.. what an amazing ministry i can't wait to see what God does with it..
Galatians 6:14
I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your blog site and for your music. I would never have thought I would ever listen to "rap" or I guess "hip-hop" I found your song Mission Accomplished by sovereign, providential "accident" and was instantl blown away. I could not believe that such spot on theology could be conveyed in such a medium. I have listened to a number of your songs and have been blessed - if you knew me you would know how funny that is. I am a die-in-the-wool hardcore true country music fan turned hard core true country gospel music lover now listening to hip hop. Isn't God amazing!!!! God bless you and thank you.
Still praying for your ministry, bro. Thanks for keeping the blog going and the updates coming. Praying for an announcement that you're coming to SW Ontario in the not-too-distant-future.
Brother Shai,
I just listened to the interview and loved the glory that was brought to God through it! I'm a former angry, white, punk rock fan from the '80s-90s who also loved Public Enemy and other hardcore rap. I still like some of the artists from those days (depending on the lyrics), but the deepest anger that I have now is (I hope and pray) reserved for my sin! Anyway, thanks for all you do for the Lord and His people!
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