Sunday, May 13, 2007

Using Hip-Hop to Teach Doctrine

Here is a link to a lecture I did at Westminster Seminary back in 2004 as a part of their student missions conference. The title of it is "Using Hip-hop to Teach Doctrine". I attempted to demonstrate why rap is in many ways an ideal medium for communicating large amounts of truth. At one point, I compare and contrast Christ-centered rap with some classic hymns of the faith. You might find the results interesting. I especially recommend this for Christians who are not familiar with the genre of Hip-hop or may be skeptical about its usefulness in the church. Enjoy! (If the link doesn't play right away, right click on the link, choose "Save Target As" and save it to your desktop. It should work then.)

grace and peace,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shai thanks for sharing that lecture you did at Westminster. Praise God, that was an excellent presentation.